Twaddlie Tales

Ma vie en bref..

Arrrrgghhh December 10, 2007

Filed under: P-ma depressions,P-Ma wonderings — Twaddlie @ 12:59 am

The first words anyone should learn to say are:

-Am sorry
-Excuse me

I’d be happy hearing just the basics..if you go an extra mile in being polite then God bless you but for Christs’ sake all i ask for are the basics!!!


Courtesy, Good behaviour, Politeness (or whatever other names it goes by) and Etiquette are very important to me, very!!..for me the lack of any of the above is a thorough put-off, you’re my pal, you should know that, so why the hell do you so openly exercise your lack thereof?


You cannot have a friend and stab them in the back..that right there is being an idiot and an enemy..moreso if you’re meant to be their best friend.With your cruel heart, you are even lucky to have one friend..i should prolly warn them before you turn against them too.


Livondo..surely is that man an M.P?? and who put him there?? and why?? Why can he not read?? Eloquence, litteracy..uhm, did the man ever here of those?? only God can save Kenyan politics.


Lost within .. November 1, 2007

Filed under: P-Ma dottings,P-Ma excitos,P-Ma wonderings — Twaddlie @ 1:34 pm

uhm.. point cursor to pics to get the ‘bigger pic’ lol.. jana in tao on my way to work i spotted this dude doing his thing..enyewe he looked quite statue-ish..and he was the reason i was almost late coz my pal and i tried so hard to make him wink or smail..lose balance..something..and we oh sooo failed!!

image020.jpg we moved closer..close mpaka i could feel him staring at me..tihihi i made faces buti guess i wasn’t being funny coz woiye he didn’t blink..


haha that man has talent..but now..i wonder how long it took him to develop such intense of which..i think i’ll yogify myself a bit this weekend..i need to develop an inner me lol..ok i need concentaration..concentration to stay sane..people are depriving me of them bana..soob.

right.moving on swiftly.

jana was Halloween..uuuuuu creepy. haha i wish! anyway i don’t think that Halloween crap is for aiii do you seriously see me dressed up and all ati Halloween? is bilas! buuuuuut theres a cute lil’ boy in this house..and now all our neighbours had excess psyke to take the little ones up and about the neighbourhood Treat or Tricking..yes, we tried and made an effort not to spoil it for them..we bought the sweets and jazad them in a bakuli..and then made the effort to scre the kids from ringing the bell and yelling stuff.


..November 1st innit?..that year just flew by..

yaani am too shy to post that ‘juicy’ one..and the chameleone pics are still in my camera coz i can’t find the bladi still luv me hehe.

Arsenal :Man U(seless) on Sato..that is the highlight of the weekend. It feels like Friday today..why?..ish.


needless to say who Twaddlie be rooting for aye?


Lovely weekend people.